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Man in a wheelchair using his tablet to record a EVV records from his home on the CareTime Mobile App

How to Use the Caretime Mobile App in Utah – EVV Instructions

The CareTime Mobile app is essential for participants enrolled with PremierFMS and their Direct Care Professionals. The instructions on this page will support you with logging in and recording shifts. There are additional instructions on editing and approving shifts. All service codes are listed at the bottom of the page.

Logging and Recording Shifts with the CareTime Mobile App

How to Log In
  1. Open the CareTime Mobile App.
  2. Enter the required login details:
    • Agency Code (provided by your agency)
    • User Code (unique to each caregiver)
    • Date of Birth
      • iPhone users: Scroll to select the correct date.
      • Android users: Use the calendar picker.
  3. Tap Login.
Clocking In
  1. Select the client under one of the following:
    • Assigned Jobs
    • Jobs Nearby
    • Today’s Scheduled Jobs
  2. If you are not at the client’s address, a pop-up may ask for a location exception.
  3. If required, enter an Activity Code (service code) for the visit.
Clocking Out
  1. Select the client under Clocked In Jobs.
  2. Tap Clock Out.
  3. Answer any required visit-related questions.
  4. Sign the screen and have the client sign as well.
  5. Tap Submit to complete the visit.

Approving and Editing Timesheets in the CareTime Mobile App

Approving Timesheets
  1. Log In: Open the CareTime app and sign in.
  2. Access Timecards: Tap the menu icon (three lines) in the upper left corner.
  3. Select ‘Timecards’: Choose ‘Timecards’ from the menu.
  4. Review Entries: Look over the listed time entries.
  5. Approve or Deny: Tap ‘Approve’ to confirm or ‘Deny’ to reject an entry.

For detailed instructions, refer to the Approve Timecards guide.

Approving Edits After Initial Approval
  1. Log In: Open the CareTime app and sign in.
  2. Access Notifications: Tap the bell icon to view alerts.
  3. Review Changes: Select the timecard with edits.
  4. Approve or Deny: Choose to accept or reject the changes.

For more details, see the Approving New Changes to Previously Approved Timesheets guide.

Editing Shifts
  1. Log In: Open the CareTime app and sign in.
  2. Access Shifts: Tap the menu icon and select ‘Shifts’.
  3. Select a Shift: Choose the shift you want to edit.
  4. Edit Details: Make necessary changes to the shift information.
  5. Save Changes: Tap ‘Save’ to update the shift.

For step-by-step guidance, consult the Add/Edit Shifts in Mobile App guide.

By following these steps, caregivers can efficiently manage their schedules and timecards using the CareTime mobile app.

Follow these instructions above to ensure accurate electronic visit verification with the CareTime Mobile App. For further support, contact your agency.

Service Codes for PremierFMS Utah

When clocking in, enter the correct Activity Code for the service performed. Below is a list of available service codes:

Activity Code Service Name
AC1 Attendant Care
AC2 Attendant Care
AC3 Attendant Care by Parent
SL1 Supported Living
SL2 Supported Living by Spouse
SL3 Supported Living by Parent
PA1 Personal Assistance
PA2 Personal Assistance by Spouse
RP1 Respite
RP6 Routine Respite with Room & Board
RP7 Respite Group
RP8 Routine Respite with Room & Board (Family Managed)
RL6 Routine Respite with Room & Board (Limited Supports)
CH1 Chore Services
CO1 Companion Services
HS1 Homemaker Services
TF1 Family Training and Preparation
S5125 Personal Care Attendant
T1005 Skilled Respite


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